Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Conversation in Confusion

Scene: Red Dirt Mummy and Offspring #2 are leaving the local library after story-time. Today's stories have been about various forms of transport and the children have made an aeroplane as their craft activity.
Offspring #2: (while being helped into the car) Me did make a good plane.
Red Dirt Mummy: Yes #2, you did make a good plane.
#2: Me did make my own plane
RDM: Yes, but we say I not me sweetie. I did make a plane.
#2: Noooo, me did make the plane.
RDM: No honey, I did make the plane.
#2: No Mummy! ME did make the plane.
RDM: Yes, but honey remember? We say I made the plane.
#2: No Mummy No! We don't tell that you maked it! ME DID MAKE THE PLANE!!!!!!
RDM: (exhausted) Okay honey.


Anonymous said...

That is SOO cute. Conversations like these just make me melt and giggle!!! The innocence of a little one and how dare you try to tell people that you made the plane! I'm on offspring#2's side! :)


Melody said...


You might as well have been talking to a brick wall hey?

Iris Flavia said...

Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Those conversations make all the sleepless nights worthwhile.

Red Dirt Mummy said...

LOL Jodie - she was quite outraged by the end!

Um, I think brick walls are probably a bit more receptive Melody...

Thanks Iris.

It does doesn't it KH? I'm still smiling as I think about it.