Offspring #1 had a terrific day at kindy today and came home full of news: There is to be an end of term party next week with a "sea" theme as that is what the kindy kids have been learning about this term. They get to dress up as something to do with the sea (think fish, shark, sailor, mermaid, etc) and all the Mummys get to make something yummy for a special party lunch. He played with one of the new kids and thinks he is a very nice boy. New small best friend is still the current small best friend and they love each other a lot lot lot. He still doesn't like the naughty boy who hits (can't really blame him there). Miss Teacher didn't tell him off (not sure how to take that one - did she tell someone else off but #1 wasn't being naughty so didn't get told off, did she tell someone else off and #1 should have been included or is this his version of not telling me that he did get into trouble?) And he brought home some beautiful paintings that he did at school. This is where the title of today's post comes into play.
Here is #1's painting

I oohed and aahed appropriately and then asked him to tell me about it. His explanation went kind of like this:
Mummy: What's in your picture, #1?
#1: Well, the big spiky bit is the sun and the long straight bit under it is the rocket and the big blue part is big and really blue and the red bit is the space-man. No wait, the big blue bit is the rocket and the straight bit is the man and the red bit is red.
Mummy: Oh. What's the yellow bit?
#1: Ummm... yellow. Or maybe the sun. No, I already have a sun. Can you have two suns?
Mummy: Well sure, if you want.
#1: No I don't want that. Maybe it's something else.
Mummy: Ooooookay? What might it be?
#1: I dunno! But I write-ed my name real good, hey Mum?
Mummy: Yes, mate. You wrote your name real good. And it's a great picture.
#1: Yeah I know.
I want to be four again and be completely certain that everything I do is great and be even more certain that everyone else thinks it's great too!
Whenever I ask Nick what he did at school, he lies to me - "I saw Nanny and Pop Pop." (they're 2.5 hours away from his school) "We had a fire drill." (This is true once every couple of months but he claims to have one every day.)
Hi Paula.I love when they just make up stuff that sounds like more fun than what really happened!
Thankyou for all your comments. I love reading your take on my posts and it's lovely just getting some feedback. I'm trying to post comments on your blog more regularly, sometimes I get shy (I know, hard to believe LOL)but I do read everyday.
Love Ben's picture but wish I could see how well he wrote his name!
I sometimes wish I could color outside the lines more often! That's what's so great about little kids. They are giggly and wonderful! (can you tell my boys are too grown up~~almost 18 and almost 20~~sigh)
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