Thursday, March 08, 2007

Yellow Alert

A quick post to let you know that we are on Yellow Alert for Tropical Cyclone George. Yellow Alert means that a cyclone is expected in the next 12-24 hours. At this stage the weather people are expecting it to hit at about 3am. It's currently Category 3 with winds at about 230km/hr at the centre of it and travelling at 20km/hr. It will probably be Category 4 by the time it hits and, at the moment, is heading straight for us. Of course, cyclones are totally unpredictable and it may all just blow over, or head back out to sea or (fingers crossed) change direction and head towards somewhere free of towns and people.
I'll let you have updates as they come in but if I disappear for a couple of days, don't worry. I expect the power will go off and it may take a day or two to restore.
Now we are off to clear the yard and put everything away in the shed!


Anonymous said...

Good luck. We're thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Cyclone party!!

Red Dirt Mummy said...

Thanks, Kitchen Hand.

LOL Chantalle. That was my first thought too! Then I remembered that I had little kids and was supposed to be a grown-up now.

Anonymous said...

I think the kids would enjoy a cyclone party! Guess there's not much you can do to prepare except batten down the hatches and put all the things away that could fly off!

Hope you don't lose power. I LOVE your blog! Take care.