Saturday, April 28, 2007

Let The Games Begin

Offspring #1 had his first soccer game today.

I love how his sock and shorts meet in the middle. And yes, it was very bright out there.

It was a hoot to watch. The kids all stuck together in one pack, the other team scored an own goal (but then kicked a bunch of proper ones), everyone got to have a kick and all the mum's and dad's were busy snapping photos of their future sportstar LOL.

Awww... look how little he is (he's the kid on the far right)

#1 did well - he is fairly timid by nature and tends to hang back but he had a few kicks and gave it a good go. He took a hard tumble and banged his head but he was far from the only kid on the pitch to run crying to his mum. And the best bit is that he is already looking forward to training and next week's game.


Anonymous said...

How cute! Glad he had a good time. Looks like it was a beautiful day too. I love Ben's uniform~~very professional looking! You'll be surprised how fast those shorts will get "too short"!

Are all the kids on his team about the same age cause that girl in the pink cap is taller than the rest of the kids. Isn't that the way it always is?! I'm thinking she must be older and the kid in the yellow shirt looks older too.

It's so cute to see them out there giving it their all. Great pics!

Unknown said...

Yay! So much fun. I was going to say the same thing about his shorts and cute! My brother was timid when he played soccer. By the end of the season, people on BOTH teams were cheering for him when he simply APPROACHED to ball. Such a great thing, team sports.