Sunday, December 16, 2007

Running Out Of Time

Okay, I don't know where the last week went ! It seems like the days are zooming by although, sadly, the nights seem to zoom by too. I worked, cleaned up Offspring #2's puke, collected a somewhat worse-for-wear Hubby from his work Christmas lunch at 6pm (!) did end-of-year school stuff with and for Offspring #1, went out for dinner, went out for drinks, had friends to dinner, went to friends for farewells and birthday cake and somewhere in there I didn't quite get around to blogging.

So, for your general amusement and viewing pleasure - here are some photos of Offspring #2 doing 'art'.

P.S. She doesn't look like that anymore because I chopped her hair off today - probably not something I should consider as a career move or for her future beauty!


Anonymous said...

Hope she's doing pretty pictures for Nan & Pop's fridge. At present we only have them from #1 and his #1 cousin.
Not sure where this years gone never mind about the week. In a weeks time you will be sitting in our family room - more like it we will all be sound asleep. See you soon - and in between I had better do shopping, cooking, cleaning, set up the kids room, tidy up your room, wrap the presents and oh yes work full time as well. Roll on the festive holiday break.
We are really looking forward to next Sunday when you are down from the red dirt.

Iris Flavia said...

Time runs... for sure!
Awww, all the nice hair is gone?