Saturday, November 01, 2008

It's November

I promised I'd be back in November and... here I am.
Thank you so much for the lovely words, encouragement and kind thoughts you left in the comments. Lordy, I should quit blogging more often. It does wonderful things for the ego and scores me the most comments ever LOL.
I remember last November was National Blog Posting Month, where bloggers were challenged to blog every day day of the month. I haven't seen it so far this year but decided that I'm going to do it anyway. I'm not promising great length or quality in posts but I'm going to aim for a blog post every day as a way of getting my blogging mojo back. The past few weeks have been slightly mental and it doesn't look like slowing down anytime soon so at least I'll have lots to blog about!
See you tomorrow.


Sam Marshall said...

Hiya!!! Nice to see you blogging again!!!

Melody said...

So you took a little break from blogging and now you are thinking about doing a post every day this month! Wow, you don't do things by halves do you!

Good to see/read you're back.


ruddygood said...


I had to laugh...we've both been as slack as each other when it comes to our blogging...and now both have made spur-of-the-moment commitments to daily blogging for NaBloPoMo!

Crazy women or gluttons for punishment...? I'm not really sure, but either way it should be a lot of fun.

I'm happy to provide moral support anytime you need Chocolate Raspberry Brownie Slice, anyone? (see a future post...*grins*)

Red Dirt Mummy said...

Hi Sam. Thanks!

Yeah, I know Melody. My maths was never that good, so anything by halves is kinda out LOL.

HI MM. Thanks for the offer of the brownie slice. I'm thinking more along the lines of champagne!

Iris Flavia said...

Yay, you´re back! :-)
And guess what - I did cook!

Funny coincidence, huh?

A post a day - look forward to it and head to the next one straight away :-)