Friday, January 08, 2010

Wishful Thinking

My whole house looks like the living room threw up across it at the moment. Whoever tells you that Ikea furniture is easy to put together is lying. And probably doesn't have a husband who is sick as a dog but making a Herculean effort to get the damn thing looking like what it's supposed to. I had high hopes that by now we'd be snuggled up on the couch watching Friday night tv and sneaking admiring glances at the cabinets during the ad-breaks. Instead I'm following orders, listening to him swear under his breath and wincing in sympathy each time he tries to cough up a lung. Hubby has an appointment with the doctor tomorrow morning and then we're heading out for the day to catch up with some old friends so that pretty much wipes out Saturday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that by Sunday afternoon things will be a little more settled both living room-wise and Hubby being a wee bit more healthy-wise.

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