Monday, October 01, 2007

We're Off!

And I mean that in a good way LOL. We're about to head off on our holiday to Exmouth and we can't wait.
The Gastro Bug paid us a visit over the weekend and I, who normally come off quite well against gastro, went down with a bang. I've lost 4 and a half kg's and I think you'll understand how bad it was if I tell you the first four were gone in the first ten hours or so :( . Everyone else got some variation of the bug but all seem to have bounced back quite nicely. I'm still on crackers and water, but gosh I'm close to my goal weight!
Anyway, Exmouth beckons. We're staying in a swanky villa, planning lots of relaxing and playing with the kids, some fishing, lots of swimming and hopefully yummy food too!
I'll see you in a week or so with lots of pics from the trip.


Melody said...

Owww...not so good about the gastro but yay about your holiday...

Unknown said...

Hope your tummy bounces back quickly. My poor mom has been down with the same thing since Friday afternoon. That's no fun.

Anonymous said...

Have loads of fun on your vacation!

I hope you get to feeling lots better very soon!


Karen Beth :)

Iris Flavia said...

If you find a contact lens... may be mine (if the Ranger´s dog didn´t eat it....) - have lots of fun there!

Red Dirt Mummy said...

Thanks everyone for your well-wishes. It took another day or so till I felt 'really' better.

LOL Iris! I can't say we found it, sorry ;)